Have you ever failed to take action on something even when you’ve been presented with all the information you need?

Veröffentlicht: November 12, 2015 in Allgemein

I’m guessing you have!


We all have!!

It’s natural for us humans to be cautious, and a lot of the time that can be a good thing.
Unfortunately, most of us are overly-cautious, which leads to procrastination.

Find out what frightens you, and do it anyway!

>>Become A Better Decision Maker<<

To beat procrastination, you just need to DECIDE and MAKE A COMMITMENT that you will complete whatever you’re putting-off.

Once you make the decision, half the battle is won and you will begin to develop the habit of effective decision making and obliterate fear in it’s tracks.

So how do you get better at beating procrastination on a consistent basis?

Here’s how to do it:

Build the habit of making at least one small decision on a consistent, daily basis.

If there is anything you’re putting-off (we all have something that can be acted upon right now), make a decision, and act on it.

Start small if you have to.

The task you’re putting-off could be a minor chore around the house, an email or call you’re delaying, or some paperwork that’s been sitting on your desk for longer than it should be.

If you make at least one decision every day to complete a task you’ve been putting-off, and record these decisions in a journal for the next 30 days, here’s what will happen:

You will condition your subconscious mind to get better at making decisions. You will then naturally become better at making definite decisions in all areas of your life.
Looking back on your journal will inspire and re-affirm you capability of making definite decisions and skyrocket your confidence, especially if you begin to slip into old habits of procrastination.

SUCCESS is a habit….not a event

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